Growing Mushrooms on Your Kitchen Counter!!

So we were in our local Home Depot and they had these grow your own mushroom kits. I was a little skeptical about this kit thing. Usually I would just start whatever I’m growing from seed and that’s that but this is everything I needed to grow mushrooms on my counter! I’m that girl that likes to try new things and I Love mushrooms, so I tried it. First I had to take the bag out of the box and cut an x in the plastic and soak the bag in a bowl of water. Then I put it back in the box and set on the counter. I took pictures as they grew, the process was rather quick. 10 days I do believe it was and we were eating mushrooms!! 

We pan fried them in some butter, they were delicious!!! Did you try one of these grow kits? I’d love to hear about your experience!! 

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