A New Hobby

So I decided to learn how to Macrame chairs. Like ya know, back in the day when your old webbed folding chair would get worn out and you’d macrame it with cord and make it new again? Plus it’d look so cool with those fun colors and patterns people make! I watched a you tube video on how to do it and went to town on some chairs I had been collecting. I started with a child size chair for my daughter.

I did not have patterns to work with so I was just wingin it. I think it turned out pretty good though. Second chair was a simple Harley Davidson design for myself.

Then I moved on to a very challenging design for my husband.

Then it was on to more!

The New Old Stove

I’m that girl, that girl that loves old stuff. It most often was made better and more functional than anything nowadays. Let’s backpedal a minute to when my husband and I were dating and he took me over to his grandparents house, his grandma had the most beautiful stove that I have ever seen! I couldn’t help but swoon over it, it was old and unlike anything I had ever seen! He had her show me her stove and I asked that if she ever got rid of it and no one else in the family wanted it, that I would love to have it. Fast forward a few years and she decided she wanted a new stove, say what?? I couldn’t believe it! Turned out, no one else wanted it, so we went and picked it up!!

That’s the before. We had to move cabinets since it is so much bigger than your average stove nowadays.

Not only is this stove gorgeous, it is so functional!! I don’t even know where to begin! The ovens, yes there’s 2, are at eye level which is great! There’s 2 ovens, one is like a toaster oven size and the other is a regular sized oven. The cooktop closes in flush with the front of the cabinets below, yes, it slides in and out, crazy I know!! There’s a speed heat burner that heats up super fast, for making tea n boiling water quickly. There’s a heat minder burner with temperature settings like an oven dial, for candy making n such. The cabinet below the cooktop is all storage with pull out shelves!! I’ve probably forgotten some things but you get the gist of it. This stove is amazing!! 1964 Frigidaire Flare Imperial!! This upgrade has made my kitchen so much more capable!!

Have you ever seen one of these? Do you have one yourself? I wanna hear all about it!

✌🏼❤️😁 Tasha

New Garden Boxes

During the early part of April, we made some big changes to the garden. As some of you who read my blogs already know, I garden in garden boxes. We moved the boxes from up by the house to out by the greenhouse, yay!! It was a great decision to move them and to top it off we built some more boxes. It makes me so happy to have so much more space to grow stuff!!

Wanna know more about gardening in boxes? Just ask me, read my blog posts, keep checking for more posts to learn more as well

✌🏼❤️😁 Tasha

Celebrating the Memory of a Lost Friend

A friend from school lost his battle with addiction…. with that came a get together of old friends from school to celebrate his memory. While it is sad that we lost a classmate and friend, at least we could spend some time together, it had been quite awhile.

Matt, you will be missed friend.

Edyth Turned 5

For Edyths 5th birthday we had a nice little party at our house with friends and family! There was good food and a great time had by all.

Happy 5th birthday to our little pink princess!

Concrete Work

I’m that girl, that girl that loves a good project! Growing up we would do most of our own projects instead of hiring people. My dad is quite the do it all kind of guy, I always found it very inspiring. So, when mom and dad wanted to do some concrete work at their house, I jumped all over the opportunity to volunteer my kids and I to help. My brothers family joined us to help too, it was a good time and great learning experience for the kids!

I’d love to hear about your adventures in family concrete work! Thanks for reading!

Tasha ✌🏼❤️😁

Been gone for a while…

Sorry to my readers for the hiatus. There has been a lot that has went on since I last posted a blog… I will do my best to catch you all up. I may lump some posts together just to get us caught back up, I do plan to be back on track this year.

Tasha ✌🏼❤️😁

Independence Day! 

In hopes of starting a new tradition, we hosted the Fourth of July at our house this year. What a blast! Not nearly as big of a shin dig as mom and dads hog roast but it’s a start. Just realizing I didn’t get any pictures of our fireworks. Hahaha. Guess they were that good! What are your families traditions for Independence Day? I’d love to hear about them.